D1-W1-Warm up for spontaneity:  Japanese version 2017;「自発性を高めるウォーミングアップ ~日本バージョン2017~」


  • Playback theatre Waon(Japan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    Japanese 日本語


 Warm ups in the “space” of Playback Theatre is a necessary step for guiding participants to an “unordinary world”. At first, we will recover from over fatigue and warm our mind and body with joy. Another purpose of the warm up is to know each other and develop abilities for expression and cooperation. Stories will arise much easier after the warm up. Let’s enjoy singing and dancing freely though games and music as if we were children. There are many traditional finger play songs and cultural games in Japan. We will experience them and examine how to use them for warm ups. Let’s create profound warm up exercises by adding your new ideas from different countries.



 Playback Theatre Waon was established in April 2007 by colorful characters who loved Playback Theatre. We started Playback Theatre and studied to create stages that are simple and touching. The name of our company, Waon means harmony of “Wa”. The value is connection of a person to a person. We serve the region of Nakano-ku, Tokyo. We held performances, workshops, and camps to provide heartwarming “time and spaces”. There are three hopes in our name, “Playback Theatre Waon”: 

  • ∞: to hope the eternal possibilities for expression and sharing through freedom from gender differences, age, social roles, and any other restrictions
  • Wa-Sound: to hope to make the sound of harmony of “Wa” which places value on the connection between people. 
  • ♪: to hope to value on sounds of various hearts and resonate the sounds.

 プレイバックシアターをこよなく愛する個性豊かなメンバーが集結し, 2007年4月にカンパニーを結成。 常にプレイバックシアターの原点に立ち返り,シンプル且つ,心に優しく響くようなステージを創り上げたいと研鑽している 。 グループ名である『和音』には,プレイバックシアターを通じて,「人」と「人」との心のつながりを大切にした 『和』のハーモニーを奏でていきたいという願いも込められている。東京都中野区を中心に,パフォーマンスやワークショップ,合宿の主催など心温まる「時間と空間」を提供し続けたいと活動中。 


  • 『∞』とは 性別や年齢,社会的役割,全ての制限から解き放たれ,無限の可能性を追求した表現と共感が生まれますように…。 
  • 『和音』とは 「人」と「人」との心のつながりを大切にした『和』のハーモニーを奏でていきたいと願って…。 
  • 『♪』とは さまざまな心の音を大切に,楽しく響きあえますように…。