H08-Playback theatre in School Education;学校教育におけるプレイバックシアター


  • Janet ZHENG  (China);
  • Languages the leader can use
    English & Cantonese & Mandarin 英語・広東語・北京語


 School education in China tends to be rational and rules,Such education is easy for students to become the mainstream of social values, become a "useful" person to society. But when the students leave school, they don't know how to find and create their own happiness,  don't know how to get along with people, don't know when to say "yes" or "no",  don't know how to express love and support in different positions. Playback theater help teacher enable the students to have the imagination in the rules,  Know how to be close to each other even in doubts and difficulties. Playback theatre is the art of leading a happy life, connecting, love, wisdom and courage. This content comes teaching and practice experience of four years of Playback theatre training in Guangzhou, for primary and secondary teachers



 郑春晖, Janet Zheng is a founder and Artistic Director of Friends playback theatre, Guangzhou,China. She attracted by playback theatre very much. Belive people can be connected by deep understanding and love. She graduated from the Centre for Playback Theatre in 2015, and she is the first International Playback Theater Network China Representative.

 中国の広州にある「フレンズプレイバックシアター」の創立者であり,芸術担当。プレイバックシアターに魅了されている。人は深い理解と愛によってつながることができると信じている。2015年にCentre for Playback Theatreを卒業し,最初の国際プレイバックシアターネットワーク中国代表である。