H09-Playback with your dreams;夢とプレイバックシアター;


  • Yu-Chen KAO (Taiwan);
    Languages the leader can use
    English & Mandarin 英語・北京語


 Is the dream part of the real life? We often tell the story together, but rarely share our dream together. Hope in this home group, we listen to the dreams, play with the dreams. Open our imagination and limbs, let the dream break the habit of linear thinking and listen to the story of the core way, welcome you to explore and experience the dream world.Knowing Playback learn and perform dream Playback for nine years. We found that the dream often reflects the inner desire and pressure. After playing our dreams not only to enhance the mutual understanding of the team members, but also to our feelings become more cohesion. The dream always brings us to a variety of different situations, like meeting people, things, and places which we won’t meet in real life, so that we need to open the body to create. We still have a lot of dreams and physical learning need to explore, but also want to share our experience and explore it with you!

 夢は現実の生活の一部分なのでしょうか。一緒にストーリーを語り合うことはありますが,夢を共有することは稀です。このホームグループでは,夢について聴き,夢を演じます。創造力と手足を広げ,夢によって直線的な思考習慣を打ち破りましょう。ストーリーの中心部分を聴き,夢の世界を探索し経験するようお招きします。Knowing Playbackでは,夢についてのプレイバックを9年間学び,演じて来ました。夢は内的な欲求と抑圧を反映することがよくあることがわかりました。夢を演じた後,チームメンバー間の相互理解が深まるだけでなく,より一層の一体感を感じることになりました。夢はいつも,多様な異なる設定を運んできます。現実の生活では起こり得ない,人,もの,場所との出合いであるため,私たちは創造力豊かに,身体をオープンにする必要があります。探求しなければならない夢や身体的な学びはたくさんありますが,同時に,お互いの経験を共有し,それもまた一緒に探求しましょう。


 Hi, I am Yu-Chen From Taiwan. After receiving Playback Theatre training in 2000, I fell in love with it. Even if I had pregnancy, I was keen to learn Playback. I made not only a lot of good friends around the world, but also expanded my vision of life. I am lucky to have many opportunities to share Playback Theatre in different parts of Taiwan. I set up the knowing Playback troupe in 2007, hoping to practice the spirit of Playback theater in the company life. In 2012 we also set up the Taiwan Playback Association, Partners with different teams together to participate, learn, and promote Playback Theatre in Taiwan. 
