

  • Encounter Playback Theatre 言遇劇團 (Hong Kong)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Chinese 英語・中国語


 Some say happiness ends in a flash; sadness stays eternal. Some say the opposite. Do you have stories that are embeded in your heart? As if they are never-ending,/ ever-occurring; vivid memories and images that flashes back every time you were prompted. And you notice that the past has gone, but the taste lasts. It could be bitter, it could be sweet, it could be strong, it could be weak, sour, disgusting, memorable, prolonged, implicit and something more. How do these stories affect you? Come and set those lingering memories free, let them be heard and be seen.

Encounter Playback Theatre (Hong Kong) will be here for you and your stories. 



 Established in 2009, Encounter Playback Theatre is an artistic group focusing on Playback Theatre. The company enhances their professional standard and practices Playback Theatre with regular rehearsals, performances and open workshops. We believe there is care and connection among people. It is a beautiful blessing for people to encounter each other’s lives through story sharing and dramatic enactment.
