D2-pos3-Fostering community welfare using Playback Theatre;プレイバックシアターを活用した地域福祉を考える集い ―住民・専門職らによる地域の支えあいづくりの集いで行うプレイバックシアターの試み―


  • Mari Okada(Japan)
  • 岡田麻里(まりまり)(日本)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Japanese 英語・日本語


We conducted a workshop on playback theatre and a performance for community members and care providers of the elderly. The 90-minute workshop conducted in the morning included mapping, mirroring, and storytelling. The participants were care providers working with the elderly in the community. The 90-minute performance that followed in the afternoon included moving sculpture, pairs, and stories. The average age of the 13 participants in the workshop was 55.0 (SD=10.0) years. Twelve participants said that “It (the workshop) was fun” while one participant said “It (the workshop) was painful.” The free opinions included “felt the importance of opening one’s mind and getting close to each other,” “felt close to the storyteller,” “useful to understand the caregivers of the elderly.” The average age of the 24 members in the audience for the performance was 56.4 (SD=14.4) years. Of them, 23 expressed positive impressions, including the following free opinions: “It was easy to understand and share the storytellers’ feelings,” “the storyteller created an atmosphere such that everyone in the audience was able to understand.” Playback theatre would be able to use for educating community members and care providers of the elderly.



I started Playback theatre as a member of C-ma C-ma from September 2016, after being as a trainee member in April 2015. I participated  the course; "Heart of Story", "Core training", "Playback theater in English".  I work in the Department of Nursing at the University, specialized Home Care Nursing. I explore the Playback theatre for using to educate and promote collaboration among community care providers and people. 
