D3-W2-Laban, 5 Rhythms and Playback – A Trio To Try;ラバンの5リズム:トリオ・トゥ・トライ


  • Laura Lane Chirnside Schuster(Singapore)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English 英語


 In this workshop, we will sample Gabrielle Roth’s 5 Rhythms and Rudolf Laban’s Laban Integrated Movement System, and explore these practices in enhancing the artistry of our playback work. 

5 Rhythms is a dance practice framed by the 5 innate rhythms of flow, staccato, chaos, lyrical, and stillness. When experienced in a WAVE – each of these rhythms has its own unique quality and affinity with a body part. When experienced sequentially, there is an analogy with a story’s dramatic arc.  We will learn to recognize the Wave in movement, and in a story, so that the actor can embody a story more deeply and intuitively. 

There is so much more to Laban’s Integrated Movement System, but we will spend time looking at his Diagonal scale. His effort factors of flow, time, weight and space offer us a shared vocabulary, which can expand our choices and bring awareness to movement patterns. These possibilities will help us serve a story fully.

Finally, we will create a platform for us to apply listening deeply to the rhythms in a story, and to explore movement choices in embodying stories of others.


 Laura is an ensemble member of Tapestry Playback Theatre (Singapore) since 2011.  She teaches Expressive Arts in early childhood at the Singapore American School for 11 years. Before that, she taught dance and physical education in Jakarta, Indonesia. As she admits; she has now been ‘out of the US longer than she’s lived there – and in the certain political climate- that’s the preferred distance. She is a certified movement analyst through LIMS ( Laban integrated Movement Studies- NY, NY)  Her background is dance, theatre, physical education and she sees Playback as the common denominator that can combine all her passions for the health and edification of folk tales and bringing people together all around the world.