D3-W3-My Baby-Self Journey in Playback Theatre;プレイバックシアターにおける子どもの私の旅路(changed the title from Hey, Please Take Great Care of 3Bs—Baby You, Buddies & Basics;3つのB(


  • Ning-Hsien (aka Vincent) Yang(Taiwan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English,Mandarin 英語・北京語


Opening Story:

To your surprise, Vincent (I) would like to share a story. It was about a cute and new born baby, baby Vincent. I came to this world with blessings and highly expected hopes in my family. Grandparents’ second son among 12 siblings was extremely thrilled, and my mother was so proud to have a healthy, smiling and promising male baby. On the first night, baby Vincent had a sweet dream…. However, after 50 years, Vincent became weak, unsatisfied and unconfident. What went wrong with Vincent in the journey? As a nightmare? Let’s watch!

Workshop Purposes:

1) Remind everyone to take great care of her/him- “Self.”

2) Create a meaningful and therapeutic journey for participants.

3) Utilize Playback Theatre basics to experience a part of personal life story.

4) Find possibilities of self-healing and empowerment.

5) Try to explore creative, expressive and playful means for the participants.

Five-Stage Work Description:

I will lead the workshop for you to take great care of your- “self” through a baby’s dream, a buddy partner’s attention and a heroic journey. The workshop starts with (1) warm-ups that you will create a “baby you,” follow psychodramatic instructions to come to the very first day of your new born life, allow yourself to (2) explore problematic, chaotic, troublesome, but precious—sweet and sour days via physical work, and focus on the workshop’s main (3) work to calm down yourself to find power through expressive, creative and playback work. Then, all of you will come to empower, self-heal, or restore yourselves to take great care of baby you, buddy and others in a small group. Individually you will give baby you a promising wish that may guide baby you to possibly dream again after a 5-sense journey. Your voices for (4) sharing as well as (5) feedback will be finally collected for my further workshop development.


(1)ウォームアップ 赤ちゃんのあなたを想像し,あなたの人生の始まりの日になるよう,サイコドラマ的な教示を行う。(2)問題のある,無秩序な,面倒な,しかし貴重な,甘く酸っぱい日々を身体的なワークを通じて探索し,ワークショップの主題に焦点をあてる。(3)パワーを見出すために,表現的で,創造的で再現的なワークを通じて,落ち着きを取り戻すワークを行う。あなた方みんなが,赤ちゃんのあなたと,小グループの仲間やその他の人をケアするための,エンパワーメントと,自己ヒーリングと,自己回復に至る。あなたは赤ちゃんのあなたに祝福を与え,五感の旅の後に赤ちゃんのあなたを再び夢に誘う。あなたの声を(4)共有し,(5)さらなるワークショップの発展のためのフィードバックをしてください。


 I have been trying my very best to find and build up a good place for members. Well, I have already worked with more than 7 different Playback Theatre companies since 2011. I’m now a Playback Freelancer, but stay with a supportive group—Wonderland Project on Wednesday nights.

To be a playback trainer, practitioner and researcher has been a part of my life. After being a CPT’s graduate in August, 2016, I then took another role starting next month to be a doctoral student at NTUA: to do 1) live playback performances, 2) teach applied theatre contents, 3) present self-healing papers, 4) create therapeutic work, and 5) learn integrated curriculum for wounded people.
