Japanese way. Simplicity is the ultimate beauty; プレイバックシアターにみる日本的美意識


  • Kayo Munakata (Japan);
  • Languages she uses 使用可能言語
    English & Japanese 英語・日本語


 We will explore some useful elements from Japanese arts, focusing on its movement aesthetics - gestures, rhythms and percussive framework. This workshop will appeal to performers who are interested in broadening their vocabulary of physical expression by meeting Japanese culture's practice. The intention is to build a bridge towards understanding the particular art form and then explore together how we can borrow these ideas to inform the artistry of our playback work.



 She graduated from the School of Playback Theatre (NY, USA) in 1995; and is a founder-member of Playback AZ and also of the School of Playback Theatre Japan. She is an Accredited Playback Theatre Trainer. For 21 years she has been an Artistic director of Playback AZ which is the most prominent playback theatre company in Japan. In 2003 they successfully hosted the IPTN world conference in Japan. Kayo performs as well as trains in schools, collages, corporations and government with deep empathy and sensitivity. 
 スクール・オブ・プレイバックシアター日本校校長。劇団プレイバッカーズ代表。外資系企業、人材コンサルタント企業勤務を経て、株式会社アズ設立、官公庁、企業などの各研修にて講師を務めていたときに、プレイバックシアターに巡り合う。1994年に劇団設立、1998年にスクール創立、校長就任。国内の大学や各種教育機関に加えて、台湾、中国、香港、シンガポール、フィリピンなどのアジア諸国、アメリカ合衆国、イギリス、カナダ、ドイツ、オーストラリアなど海外での指導も増えている。スクール本校を兼ねる世界的組織Center for Playback Theatreが認定する「国際認定トレーナー」の審査委員。