H01-Archetypes in playback theatre practice;プレイバックシアター実践における原型


  • Igor LIUBITOV (Russia);
  • Languages the leader can use
    English & Russian & French;英語・ ロシア語・フランス語


 Archetypes are like eternal vessels of different shapes. They can be filled with mutable material, shaping the moments of life. Archetypes relate the teller’s story with all the stories ever told, so the beauty of the story is revealed, and the teller and audience can feel connected with the Big Story.

To stress the archetype level of the teller's story, we can invite on stage material from the sources of different levels: the story as it is, personal actors associations, performance-rooted "rhymes", social contexts, cultural backgrounds, rudiments and residues of the traditional culture or archetypes themselves. It is interesting how one can present archetype level on stage. What techniques and instruments are good for this kind of invitation (or rather invocations). And how to choose right moments - in performance ark and in story dramaturgy as well. All this could affect understanding of the stories, role enactment, playback forms, conductor style and strategies, the structure of the performance et cetera. During the home group we plan to look into the topic, to share some techniques and instruments and explore pt forms - traditional and several new ones. Special focus of interest for this home group – cross-cultural aspect of archetypes manifestation.



 IPTN practitioner member 2005

CPT Graduated leadership 2009 and 2013 

CPT accredited trainer since 2014

Russian Central Playback Theatre School - cofounder, member of the board, playback teacher, Teach playback in Russia, Ukraine, China, Taiwan

Workshops and home groups: EPTG 2014, APPTG 2015, Russian PTG 2010-2017   

Playback Theater "Alchemistry"- artistic director, conductor, actor, since 2010

Playback Theater studio "Bolshoi Theatrick" - artistic director, since 2008

Playback Theater for teenagers project - artistic director, teacher, since 2012

Special Interests: Ethno-cultural aspects andl backgrounds, myths and archetypes in PT performance 

Psychologist, Psychodrama therapist, Family therapist, 

University lecturer – Moscow City University, Ethnopsyhology Department







