H03-Body, Awareness and Movement;身体、意識と動き


  • Jerry CHEN (Taiwan);
  • Languages the leader can use
    English & Chinese & Japanese;英語・中国語・日本語


 Under this topic, participants are invited to explore body, awareness and movement. By using some techniques in contact improvisation and somatic education, this homegroup aims to develop participants’ body awareness and spontaneity on stage, to explore improvised dance and movement with expressive feelings, and to increase the aesthetics in Playback Theatre performances.



 Jerry Chen (陳正一) is founder and Co-Artistic Director of What’s Play Theatre, Taiwan. He graduated from the Centre for Playback Theatre in 2013. He is a celebrated teacher of Playback in Taiwan, teaching several student and citizen groups. He also teaches and works to facilitate organizational and community development. Jerry is also the Standing Director of the Taiwan Playback Theatre Association.

 台湾の仲花枝玩劇団を創設し,共同芸術監督を務める。 東海大学講師、 2013年にCentre for Playback Theatreを卒業。台湾での有名な講師であり,学生や市民団体の指導を行う。 また,組織や地域社会の発展を促進するために教育したり活動したりしている。 台湾プレイバックシアター協会の常任理事も務める。